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Lost Legacy: The Starship

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Lost Legacy

PVP: 9,95€

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+ Detalles del producto

In the distant past, a strange light shone in the sky. From the light emerged a visitor from a faraway world, but its arrival heralded disaster. Damaged in battle against a mysterious threat, the visitor s craft broke apart and traced lines of fire across the horizon.

These falling stars crashed to the surface in many remote places. In the ages to come, each piece of the visitor s craft would come to be enshrined in legends as the Lost Legacy.

Centuries later, a prophetess came forth, bearing word of a great vision. She foresaw that a single map would reunite the Lost Legacies, and the ruler who claimed them would reign over all the lands. Generals, heroes and adventurers of all kinds have been dispatched on one singular mission: to find the map the prophetess spoke of and discover the locations of the Lost Legacy. Those who have sought out the prophetess have found that she is a blind woman whose destiny is inextricably linked with the strange creatures and remnants of the visitor s craft. It is she who has pointed these adventurers towards an ancient, strangely shaped construction that may hold the map they seek - a place she calls "the starship".

Lost Legacy is a game of risk, deduction and luck. Each turn you play a card in order to eliminate other players from the game or discover where the Lost Legacy card could be found. When the deck runs out of cards, the Investigation phase begins. The player who determines where the Lost Legacy can be found wins; if no one finds the Lost Legacy, then everybody loses!



Fabricante: AEG        Fecha de lanzamiento: Julio de 2014


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