504 (Inglés)

77,95 €
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A partir de 12 años

30 - 120 minutos aprox.

De 2 a 4 jugadores



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+ Detalles del producto

In a distant future, scientists were able to build small alternate Earths. Exactly 504 such Earths have thus far been built. The scientists programmed each of these Worlds with an individual set of laws and rules which the residents strictly follow and consider most important for their lives. These may be exploration, consumption, economics, military, etc., and each is unique. You can visit all of these 504 alternate Earths to experience how the people are living, and decide which of these worlds harbors the best civilization. On which World do you want to live? Explore them all and decide!

504 is a game that creates 504 different games out of one box. The game consists of nine modules:

Module 1: Pick-Up & Deliver

Module 2: Race

Module 3: Privileges

Module 4: Military

Module 5: Exploration

Module 6: Roads

Module 7: Majorities

Module 8: Production

Module 9: Shares

In each single game, you take three different modules from the nine available and assemble them in any order you like to create a new game. For example, you can play:

a racing game that expands through exploration with technology improving the racing or exploration (World "253").

an 18XX-style stock game with network building for income and production sites to provide workers for the road building (World "968").

a war game with a pick-up and deliver economy and bonus scoring from majorities ("World 417").

Each single game takes from 30 to 120 minutes to play.


Componentes de juego:

  • 1 Book of 504 Worlds (a mix & match book showing all special rules for 504 games!)
  • 61 map tiles
  • 421 punchboard tiles (among them roads, VP tokens, goods, …)
  • 160 playing cards (among them are shares, privileges, scoring cards, ...)
  • 296 wooden tokens (residents, settlements, head quarters and transport trolley)
  • 2 boards for share values/goods prices and majorities
  • 5 stock company boards
  • 3 dice
  • 2 overview tiles
  • playing money
  • 1 rules booklet



Fabricante: Stronghold Games        Fecha de lanzamiento: Diciembre de 2015


Ficha técnica

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