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Anansi and the Box of Stories

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done Disponible | IMPORTANTE: Artículo en reposición. El envío se realizará cuando el artículo esté disponible. IMPORTANTE: Artículo en reposición. El envío se realizará cuando el artículo esté disponible. not_interested Agotado | IMPORTANTE: Artículo en reposición. El envío se realizará cuando el artículo esté disponible.

A partir de 8 años

20 - 40 minutos aprox.

De 3 a 8 jugadores


Anansi and the Box of Stories

+ Detalles del producto

A story, a story; let it come, let it go. Once, all the stories belonged to someone else, but now they belong to Anansi, the Trickster — which is a story unto itself! Everyone knows that the best stories happen when you play someone else for the fool. But sometimes, even the best of tricks can backfire, and who plays the fool then?

In Anansi and the Box of Stories, the players take on the roles of archetypal animals in a trick-taking game in which you can use your animal cunning and abilities to turn the tricks in your favor. Each round, every player plays the card they think will win the trick. But beware, as others will turn your tricks back on you and make you a fool, taking away your points! Only a player who can skillfully win tricks without being made a fool will prove their wisdom.



Fabricante: Level 99 Games        Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017


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