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Flesh & Blood: Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck - Rhinar (Inglés)

11,99 €
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The smell hits you first. Blood… Sweat… Steel… Feral crowds roar loud as the thumping in your chest. You step into the arena, hot sand billowing at your feet. Drinks are poured, wagers are made, weapons are drawn… Gold and glory is yours for the taking… If you survive the Deathmatch Arena! Heavy Hitters brings the biggest, strongest, hardest hitting fun to Flesh and Blood gaming tables yet! Featuring six heroes across Brute, Guardian, and Warrior classes, crossover hybrid cards, and more weapons and equipment than any draftable set before, the number of options for how you bring your fight to the arena are huge! HEAVY HITTERS BLITZ DECKS 

Duración icon

Tiempo de juego:

90 minutos

Años icon

Edad mínima:

16 años

Jugadores icon

Número de jugadores:

2 jugadores

Idiomas icon



+ Detalles del producto

The smell hits you first. Blood… Sweat… Steel… Feral crowds roar loud as the thumping in your chest. You step into the arena, hot sand billowing at your feet. Drinks are poured, wagers are made, weapons are drawn… Gold and glory is yours for the taking… If you survive the Deathmatch Arena!

Heavy Hitters brings the biggest, strongest, hardest hitting fun to Flesh and Blood gaming tables yet! Featuring six heroes across Brute, Guardian, and Warrior classes, crossover hybrid cards, and more weapons and equipment than any draftable set before, the number of options for how you bring your fight to the arena are huge!

Ready-to-play out of the box, Heavy Hitters Blitz Decks are crafted as an ideal product for casual gaming. Each Blitz Deck contains non-foil extended art cards exclusive to each deck, a beautiful addition to collections of new and veteran players alike!

Product Configuration: 
• 40 cards, plus hero, weapon, and equipment cards, per deck.
• 6 decks per display (1 of each hero)
• 4 displays per case

Sold in displays of 6 decks


Ficha técnica

Edad mínima
Duración mínima (min.)
Nº de jugadores mínimo
No disponible
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