Fort Cats & Dogs
Fort Cats & Dogs
  • Fort Cats & Dogs

Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion

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You've begged and pleaded with your parents and's time to get a pet!

Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion adds two modules to the Fort base game: dogs and cats. You can use one or both, as desired.

Dogs are loyal. If you play one, it will (usually) go stay in your doghouse, but they're fussy, so you can play a dog only if you meet its needs. Neglect a dog, and it'll wander off. At game end, whoever has the most dogs in their doghouse scores seven points!

Cats are fickle. Their actions happen at specific times, and they move around a lot. Cats will be attracted to a different player if their yard has cards of specific suits, even if the cat's current owner has them, too. The more cats you have at the end of the game, though, the more points you score.

Duración icon

Tiempo de juego:

20 - 40 minutos

Años icon

Edad mínima:

10 años

Jugadores icon

Número de jugadores:

2 - 4 jugadores

Autor icon


Grant Rodiek, Nick Brachmann

Ilustrador icon


Kyle Ferrin

Idiomas icon



+ Detalles del producto

You've begged and pleaded with your parents and's time to get a pet!

Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion adds two modules to the Fort base game: dogs and cats. You can use one or both, as desired.

Dogs are loyal. If you play one, it will (usually) go stay in your doghouse, but they're fussy, so you can play a dog only if you meet its needs. Neglect a dog, and it'll wander off. At game end, whoever has the most dogs in their doghouse scores seven points!

Cats are fickle. Their actions happen at specific times, and they move around a lot. Cats will be attracted to a different player if their yard has cards of specific suits, even if the cat's current owner has them, too. The more cats you have at the end of the game, though, the more points you score.

Leder Games

Ficha técnica

Edad mínima
Duración mínima (min.)
Duración máxima (min.)
Nº de jugadores mínimo
Nº de jugadores máximo
Grant Rodiek
Nick Brachmann
Kyle Ferrin
Bajo pedido
Información sobre el distribuidor:

Denominación social: BNW Distribution GmbH

Marca comercial: BNW Distribution

Dirección: 40764 Langenfeld Winkelsweg 169 (Alemania)


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