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Magic: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms - Black Theme Booster (Inglés)

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done Disponible | IMPORTANTE: el artículo está disponible para reservar. Lanzamiento aproximado: 23/07/2021 IMPORTANTE: el artículo está disponible para reservar. Lanzamiento aproximado: 23/07/2021 not_interested Agotado | IMPORTANTE: el artículo está disponible para reservar. Lanzamiento aproximado: 23/07/2021

The Magic and Dungeons & Dragons crossover we've all been waiting for as our season-long set of legendary experiences continues with Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Prerelease! This set brings the storytelling and roleplaying elements of D&D to Magic through fan-favorite D&D spells and monsters and incredible booster fun treatments highlighting classic D&D flavor, including the rulebook treatment reminiscent of early Monster Manuals.

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12 años

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Número de jugadores:

2 jugadores

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+ Detalles del producto

The Magic and Dungeons & Dragons crossover we've all been waiting for as our season-long set of legendary experiences continues with Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Prerelease!

This set brings the storytelling and roleplaying elements of D&D to Magic through fan-favorite D&D spells and monsters and incredible booster fun treatments highlighting classic D&D flavor, including the rulebook treatment reminiscent of early Monster Manuals.

And, of course, players will find an abundance of both dungeons and dragons.


  • 35 Magic: The Gathering cards, all based on a theme




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