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Rocketmen (inglés)
Rocketmen (inglés)
  • Rocketmen (inglés)

Rocketmen (inglés)

34,94 €
31,45 € 10% de descuento
Impuestos incluidos
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A deck-building game with an innovative twist of preparing your missions on the Launch Pad, temporarily removing part of your assets from the deck you play. To win, you must find a balance between the „mission” and „money” parts of your deck and use them efficiently, as the victory conditions reward those who are the fastest. They have set up their empire of trailblazing innovation and groundbreaking technologies on a somewhat unremarkable planet circling around a rather average star. Years of hard work and steadfast dedication to their clear-cut vision of looking further than the day-to-day toils and chores of humanity have cemented their reputation as the forefathers of the future humanity.

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Duración icon

Tiempo de juego:

30 - 90 minutos

Años icon

Edad mínima:

14 años

Jugadores icon

Número de jugadores:

1 - 4 jugadores

Autor icon


Martin Wallace

Ilustrador icon


Jakub Fajtanowski, Miłosz Wojtasik, Bartek Jędrzejewski

Idiomas icon



+ Detalles del producto

A deck-building game with an innovative twist of preparing your missions on the Launch Pad, temporarily removing part of your assets from the deck you play. To win, you must find a balance between the „mission” and „money” parts of your deck and use them efficiently, as the victory conditions reward those who are the fastest.

They have set up their empire of trailblazing innovation and groundbreaking technologies on a somewhat unremarkable planet circling around a rather average star. Years of hard work and steadfast dedication to their clear-cut vision of looking further than the day-to-day toils and chores of humanity have cemented their reputation as the forefathers of the future humanity.

Secretly, they have never stopped dreaming about the thrust of all their entrepreneurial actions and deeds – reaching the stars. Now, the time has come for them to embark on a second giant leap for humankind, to make the outer reaches of the solar system our home. Only one of them shall go down in history as the first explorer of space and a person who truly forged their will and power according to the bold words: citius, altius, fortius – faster, higher, stronger.


Game boards

1 game board
4 player boards in 4 different colours (white, red, yellow and blue)

Plastic component tray
10 ziplock bags
24 mission markers in four colours (6 per player)
4 Victory point markers
12 double-sided achievement markers (rocket points) in 4 different colours (3 per player)
24 double-sided achievement markers in 4 different colours (6 per player)
First Player/Alpha Missile emblem
1 Rocket Launcher Tag
1 Moon Tag
1 Mars Tag

48 Mission cards in 4 different colours (12 per player)
23 Resource cards (in blue colour) and 20 Resource cards (in pink)
15 Engine cards (5 of each type)
12 Threat cards (4 of each type)
18 Mission Success cards
12 Personal Goals
10 Game Variant Cards
7 cards for solo play

Ficha técnica

Edad mínima
Duración mínima (min.)
Duración máxima (min.)
Nº de jugadores mínimo
Nº de jugadores máximo
Martin Wallace
Bartek Jędrzejewski
Jakub Fajtanowski
Miłosz Wojtasik
Bajo pedido
Información sobre el distribuidor:

Denominación social: Maldito Games SLU

Marca comercial: Cantarero Coca

Dirección: c/ Alejandro Collantes 85A – 41005 – Sevilla, España

Contacto: info@malditogames.com

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