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House Of Duras - Klingon Expansion - Star Trek Away Missions (inglés)
House Of Duras - Klingon Expansion - Star Trek Away Missions (inglés)
  • House Of Duras - Klingon Expansion - Star Trek Away Missions (inglés)

Star Trek Away Missions: House of Duras - Klingon Expansion

24,95 €
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The Duras Sisters take the remains of their house to Wolf 359 in the hope of finding plunder to finance their return to Klingon politics and to redeem their honor - by any means necessary. Theme: Space, Science Fiction, Strategy, Miniatures Board Game Expansion. Note: this is an expansion. Star Trek Missions Core Set is required to play.

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+ Detalles del producto

The Duras Sisters take the remains of their house to Wolf 359 in the hope of finding plunder to finance their return to Klingon politics and to redeem their honor - by any means necessary. Theme: Space, Science Fiction, Strategy, Miniatures Board Game Expansion. Note: this is an expansion. Star Trek Missions Core Set is required to play.

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